Mental health epidemic in college students
[First posted on July 2018, see updates below] If you follow us or Pieneers, you know our mission is to inspire the college kids to tackle a #ProWoSo. We have to admit, we face lot […]
[First posted on July 2018, see updates below] If you follow us or Pieneers, you know our mission is to inspire the college kids to tackle a #ProWoSo. We have to admit, we face lot […]
Over the last century blue collar workforce has always taken the loss from automation that came in waves. But now the upcoming automation is big with all the advances in AI/ML/Tech which will make white […]
By now, if you don’t live under a rock, you are aware of how hardware and software are changing the world! Historically hardware is hard to do but lately things are accelerating to make it […]
Google supported Developer Student Clubs are a great way (university) kids can get together: to learn, collaborate and solve local community problems! This allows kids to gain Exposure to variety of latest tech and how […]
Conventional wisdom, from the great success-after-failure stories, that we hear from the silicon valley, tells us that the success will follow you after the initial failure at your start-up. A study, by Professor Paul A. Gompers […]
Have you heard people say things like, that is R&D’s job; boss will never go for it; Innovation is not our business; I am getting too old for this, etc etc. These are some of […]
For the uninitiated the global problems are huge in scope and there are no technologies or solutions exist to solve them. There are two pieces of the puzzle. One is you need to break it […]
We all know what a great fundamental scientific research is funded by NSF but for NSF and all the other funding organizations it has been a real challenge to get the discoveries out of the […]
Average homicide rate per 100,000 in US is 4.9 which is lower than the global average of 6.2. This is great but way worse if you compare US to other developed nations, whose average is […]
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