Pieneers (once my vision is completely built) will be a platform for collaboration and open-innovation, an online innovation ecosystem that brings together entrepreneurs, inventors, investors, students and problem-solvers for a successful entrepreneurial & innovation journey.

Pieneers is being built for two reasons: First, in this day and age of 21st century, still there are several worldly challenges and problems unsolved, both socially and technologically. Second, we all know there is so much raw capable talent (human resources) everywhere but you don’t see that talent being used for solving the challenges! The reasons I believe are, lack of global awareness of those problems. Think about it, if a problem still exists for a group of the population means, obviously they couldn’t solve it for some reason, i.e. lack of financial resources, talent etc. Now, imagine if rest of the population becomes aware of that problem, some one out there might have talent, resources and passion to solve it!

That is my hope! Pieneers aspires to be the bridge that connects the talent to the problems and make all of the global students (and professionals) entrepreneurial & innovative. Here, I explain, why target college students?

Now, let me briefly talk about the name ‘Pieneers’. It is not a typo! Pieneers is an online platform (incubator/pre-accelerator) for a ‘pieneer’.  So, who is a ‘pieneer’? It is of course a play on the word ‘pioneer’, and has same spirit of the word, as someone who is the first (to tackle)! 

Also a ‘pieneer’ is someone who, uses the Pieneers platform and:

  • Works on a Problem, that is ‘Worth Solving’
  • Collaboratively develops an Innovation, to solve that problem
  • Learns & applies needed, Entrepreneurial skills, to bring that innovation to the market.

This blog, is the first step (in building the platform) where, I collect and share the Problems Worth Solving (#ProWoSo)! The blog posts serve as a very very brief introduction to the problems. As you would expect, it is impossible to collect all of the problems but will keep trying to collect as many as possible. Visit #ProWoSo, to know more about how I define Problems Worth Solving.

I will try to spread the word about these problems and if you know of one please share it with me. The more people know about the problems there is a higher chance they will get resolved fast, hence my mission “Accelerating Global Innovation” (#AccGI)!

Dr. Krishna Vuppala