Zero Waste Washington- Competition/Hackathon

Waste matters, in how it affects our natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. So, producing zero waste should be everyone’s goal or develop our products & consumables that result in waste to be as bio-friendly. 

Zero-Waste-Washington (state) has set out to achieve that mission, not at an individual level but rather develop laws & programmatic changes for a larger impact. They have seven priority programs that focus on pollution reduction, educating responsibility & innovation. 

It is exciting to see they announced the first Pacific NW Zero Waste Hackathon. It is a five week virtual competition. They have weekly seminars, coaching, learning tools & collaboration sessions. Applications open on September 9, 2020, for current student and former graduate entrepreneurs across the Pacific Northwest. 

Good luck to all the Pieneers!

[Image Credit: Thanks to PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay]

About Krishna Vuppala 54 Articles
I am passionate about technology & innovation with a mission to 'Accelerating Global Innovation'. I believe, that there exists an "innovation gap" and the current global innovation efforts to solve real meaningful challenges are moving at a slower pace! The reason, I believe, is lack of awareness of those challenges to the global talent! This blog is part of that journey to spread the word on the Problems (that are) Worth Solving! #ProWoSo

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