Creating an effective flu shot is still long way to go

Most of us get a flu shot every season (you should get one, if you usually don’t) and do you know it is not always 100% effective in preventing the flu?

You might have heard about it, especially the season a couple of years ago, the shots weren’t effective. The reason why it is the case is that there are always many strains that circulate and FDA picks 3/4 most-likely-to-circulate strains in creating the vaccine.

Vaccine development is a long process and starts months in advance from researching the possibilities, to picking the right ones and finally making it. So, unfortunately sometimes, the strains mutate while the vaccine is under development. FDA, CDC and WHO all do wonderful job of vaccine creation but the real puzzle still needs solving is improve the prediction of strains and mutations. Perhaps ML can give additional insights on strain predictions?

Good luck to all the Pieneers!

As always, know of anyone or any startup working on this, please let me know, I will update this post.

[Image Credit: Thanks to dfuhlert via Pixabay]

About Krishna Vuppala 54 Articles
I am passionate about technology & innovation with a mission to 'Accelerating Global Innovation'. I believe, that there exists an "innovation gap" and the current global innovation efforts to solve real meaningful challenges are moving at a slower pace! The reason, I believe, is lack of awareness of those challenges to the global talent! This blog is part of that journey to spread the word on the Problems (that are) Worth Solving! #ProWoSo

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